2024: Crisis Management Days Book of Abstracts
Security and Protection (National and International Security, Corporate and Information Security, Disaster Risk Reduction)

The role of the Civil Protection System in managing the crisis caused by the Covid-19 disease epidemic

Damir Trut
Civil Protection Directorate, Ministry of the Interior Republic of Croatia
Marijana Klanac
Civil Protection Directorate, Ministry of the Interior Republic of Croatia
Neven Karas
Civil Protection Directorate, Ministry of the Interior Republic of Croatia

Published 2024-05-20


  • coronavirus,
  • epidemic,
  • Civil Protection Headquarters of the Republic of Croatia,
  • Civil Protection Directorate,
  • civil protection system

How to Cite

Trut, D., Klanac, M., & Karas, N. (2024). The role of the Civil Protection System in managing the crisis caused by the Covid-19 disease epidemic. Crisis Management Days. Retrieved from https://ojs.vvg.hr/index.php/DKU/article/view/613


From the very beginning of the emergence and spread of the coronavirus in the city of Wuhan in China, the Civil Protection Directorate, through the Civil Protection Operations Center, together with the relevant international and national institutions, monitored and was involved in information exchange processes and undertook preparatory activities in the event of the emergence of the virus in our country.
The appearance of the first patient in Croatia was a sufficient signal for the prompt reaction of the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the active involvement of the Civil Protection Directorate of the Ministry of Interior and the entire civil protection system, which with its daily continuous actions supported the health system in the fight against the spread of the coronavirus.

This paper elaborates the role of the civil protection system in the management of the crisis caused by the epidemic of the disease COVID-19, whereby the emphasis is placed on: activating the national and local headquarters of civil protection, the establishment of the logistics center of the Civil Protection Directorate, participation in setting up and equipping additional capacities for the needs of medical institutions , distribution of vaccines and implementation of vaccinations, timely and transparent crisis communication, continuous supervision over the implementation of measures prescribed by the Decisions of the Civil Protection Headquarters of the Republic of Croatia and international cooperation in the framework of civil protection (bilaterally and through the Union civil protection mechanism).
The paper was prepared with the aim of presenting the chronology of the development of the epidemic in Croatia from the beginning in January 2020 until the official end of the pandemic worlwide as well as in the Republic of Croatia. The key question is how and in what way Croatia approached the epidemic and what were its responses, which took place in several cycles.

Aware of the fact that this was a crisis of global proportions, the activities and efforts of the civil protection system were undertaken in accordance with the Decisions of the Civil Protection Headquarters of the Republic of Croatia, based on the opinion and assessment of the health profession, with the primary goal of protecting the health and lives of citizens, but also maintaining the functioning of the economy
The mutual cooperation of national and local bodies, civil protection headquarters, professional working groups and other experts is of key importance for a successful fight against the coronavirus.


  1. Decisions of the Civil Protection Headquarters of the Republic of Croatia (link to a list of all decisions of the Civil Protection Headquarters of the Republic of Croatia – last visited 18th March 2024)
  2. Law on Civil Protection System, Official Journal of Republic of Croatia number 82/15, 118/18, 31/20, 20/21, 114/22 (Zakon o sustavu civilne zaštite (Narodne novine broj 82/15, 118/18, 31/20, 20/21, 114/22))
  3. Law on the Protection of the Population from Infectious Diseases, Official Journal of Republic of Croatia number 79/07, 113/08, 130/17, 114/18, 47/20, 134/20, 143/21 (Zakon o zaštiti pučanstva od zaraznih bolesti (Narodne novine broj 79/07, 113/08, 130/17, 114/18, 47/20, 134/20, 143/21))