
  • Guilherme Franco Netto Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), Brazil


Health, Environment, Sustainability


Background: The links between health, the environment and sustainability have long been recognized as complex, but fundamental to inform policy and action towards health and sustainable development – currently facing unprecedented, emerging and evolving challenges and threats resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Understanding these inter-relations also relies on innovative technologies capable of integrating data and information from a variety of sources – being produced at an accelerated pace given the 4th Industrial Revolution. Adding to these challenges is the need for multisectoral converging agendas, or points of intersection, where policy and action can benefit multiple aspects and sectors of society beyond population health.

Aim: To implement Fiocruz prospective plan on health, the environment and sustainability.

Methods:  There are approximately 40 functioning arrangements, including devices, structures, mechanisms and programs, within FIOCRUZ where some or multiple initiatives related to health, the environment and sustainability are thematically covered. They include formal departments and centres, laboratories, observatories, research projects, working groups, map-related platforms, and collaborating centres. There is, however, no instance, space or system that systematically and synergistically organizes and integrates all the activities and processes related to these initiatives. The mechanism proposed in this strategy aims to fill this gap, and will seek to engage in an integrative, synergistic and collaborative approach across all major activities (e.g. research, integration of data and information) with multiple internal and external partners and experts. It is proposed to function as an integrated research and policy network enterprise.

Results: Fiocruz prospective plan on health, the environment and sustainability implemented.

Conclusion(s): This integrated perspective will ensure that the necessary expertise is in place, the actual and emerging gaps in data & information, knowledge and policy needs are being identified, and the work on Health, Environment and Sustainability at Fiocruz is thoroughly and coherently integrated with local, national and international initiatives and projects.       



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