Transformation of Military Education System in Croatia


  • Slobodan Čurčija Croatian Defense Academy
  • Dario Matika Dr. Franjo Tuđman Croatian Defence Academy


transformation, military education, military organization


Investing in human resources in modern organizations implies continuing education and employee training. In this matter, there are various forms of education, such as specialized courses, financial support of foreign language training and postgraduate scholarships, which can be applied. Military organizations cannot be exempted from this practice, because they have continually been affected by various challenges while seeking to make adjustments to their education systems. The truth of the matter is that new approaches to the employment of military forces call for the transformation of military organizations. Not only does the transformation change the organization, but it also transforms the ways in which militaries run the operations. It inevitably calls for a paradigm shift in defense planning and implementation. Thus, a modified form of a military organization will be developed into smaller, faster and highly networked units, able to be deployed in the shortest possible time. Therefore, the question arises as to how a military education system can be transformed in order to make new command and staff structures ready to respond to numerous challenges.


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How to Cite

Čurčija, S., & Matika, D. (2018). Transformation of Military Education System in Croatia. Annals of Disaster Risk Sciences, 1(2), 117–127. Retrieved from


