Water Supply System as Critical Infrastructure of a City



critical infrastructure, risk assessment, water supply


Critical infrastructure involves the systems, networks and facilities of great importance for the normal functioning of society. Interruption in the proper functioning of critical infrastructure can have serious repercussions for human health and/or serious economic consequences. Water and water management are among the key sectors of critical infrastructure in the countries comprising the European Union and as such hold great importance for the entire union, as well as for the each individual member state. This paper presents research results whose aim is to show how informed are the respondents about critical infrastructure in the Republic of Croatia, as well as their attitudes regarding the importance of critical infrastructure. In addition, the practical implications of this paper point to the necessity of stronger and systematic protection of water as critical infrastructure. Based on research results, the paper presents a proposal in which direction might be developed the corrections of the extant protection system, with the aim of improving the efficiency of the water supply system protection.


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How to Cite

Turčić, I., Stranjik, A., & Jozić, S. (2018). Water Supply System as Critical Infrastructure of a City. Annals of Disaster Risk Sciences, 1(1), 77–86. Retrieved from https://ojs.vvg.hr/index.php/adrs/article/view/9




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